Event Marketing Redefined

Ep 86 | 10 Ways to Turn Trade Shows Into a Sales and Marketing Channel

Matt Kleinrock / Mollie Stahl Season 1 Episode 86

Imagine spending a hefty sum to secure a spot at a prestigious trade show, and every element seems perfectly aligned for success: you've invested in an engaging booth, partnered with the best in the business, and your strategy is bulletproof.

But despite meticulous preparations, the haunting question lingers – how can you ensure that the right people, your potential clients, actually step into your beautifully designed booth?

That's why in this episode, Matt Kleinrock and guest co-host Mollie Stahl, Senior Account Executive at Rockway Exhibits + Events, will dissect how trade shows can transcend their traditional 'cost center' view and evolve into a robust sales and marketing channel.

They will break down:

✅ Strategic Data Utilization: How last year’s data can guide this year’s decisions
✅ Cross-Functional Team Collaborations: Integrating efforts with sales and marketing to enhance reach
✅ Innovative Engagement Tactics: From guerrilla marketing to targeted social media campaigns
✅ And much more!

Don’t miss this comprehensive guide to making the most out of your trade show investments!

Connect with Mollie:

On her LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/molliestahl/   

Connect with Me:

On my LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/matt-kleinrock-9613b22b/
On my Company: https://rockwayexhibits.com/

🚨 Register for the show here: https://tinyurl.com/EventMarketingRedefined