Event Marketing Redefined

Ep 83 | Global Event Marketers Panel: Doing More With Less in 2024

Matt Kleinrock / Bethany Murphy / Erin McElroy Season 1 Episode 83

Navigating the tightrope of escalating expectations and shrinking budgets is a familiar dance for event marketers. And while the goal remains to eclipse last year's success, the reality of financial constraints looms larger than ever.

But in this landscape of cutbacks and careful spending, there lies an unprecedented opportunity for creativity and innovation. That’s why we're excited to welcome back two high-level event marketers who know this scenario all too well.

Matt Kleinrock is once again joined by Bethany Murphy, Senior Director of Events at 6sense and Erin McElroy, Program Director of Executive Programs & Event Experience at IBM.

They're here to share not just how they've risen to the challenge, but how these constraints have led to some of their most successful events yet!

Learn about:

✅ Crafting impactful events on a shoestring budget
✅ Strategies for prioritizing resource allocation (wants vs. needs)
✅ Leveraging limited resources to drive maximum engagement
✅ And much more!

Tune in as they reveal how to not just survive but THRIVE in the art of delivering more with less, setting new benchmarks in event marketing excellence without breaking the bank.

Connect With Them

Bethany Murphy: https://www.linkedin.com/in/bethanyjmurphy/ 
Erin McElroy: https://www.linkedin.com/in/erinmcelroybiz/ 

Connect With Me

On my LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/matt-kleinrock-9613b22b/
On my Company: https://rockwayexhibits.com/

🚨 Register for the show here: https://tinyurl.com/EventMarketingRedefined